Thursday, April 2, 2009

Health Benefits of Semen

Health Benefits of Semen

Several Studies Claim Man-juice Can Fight Depression, High Blood Pressure

There have been many studies on the benefits of sex. Aside from being a pleasurable experience, sex is said to boost the immune system among many other health-related pluses. However, more specifically semen has its benefits too. 

Semen Could Be an Antidepressant

A study at the State University of New York at Albany says there is a positive correlation between unprotected sex and lower depression rates, according to an MSNBC article. While the
 article and researchers do not condone unprotected sex (the article in fact has a disclaimer), the results showed that females who had sex without a condom had lowerdepression levels by those who used them during sexual encounters, or abstained from sex. 

The SUNY-Albany study says that semen contains components that can relieve 
stress and lower depression, and also that the vagina absorbs these components and they can be detected in the bloodstream a few hours after sex. 

Looking further into this claim, this AC writer found a Gallup study which revealed similar results. The Gallup researcher measured emotional benefits of semen by dividing 293 female students into groups based on how often their partners used condoms. Then, he administered the Beck
Depression Inventory to assess their emotional well-being. Those scoring under 17 on emotional inventory are considered mentally sound. 

The results? Gallup found that women who never used condoms scored 8 on the Beck scale; women who used them intermittently scored 10.5; women who frequently used protection came in at 15; and those who swore by condoms scored 11.3. 

Rockall Times in the UK published a story about a similar study, citing that the scientists pushed the results of the study on female coworkers, resulting in increased morale in the research facility. In fact, the study group plans to air television ads promoting semen's benefits. 

So, if one is with a partner they can trust, perhaps in a monogamous relationship reaping the benefits of semen could make one happier-and not just because they are 'getting some.' 

Semen Can Lower Blood Pressure 

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